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The Oenology research unit has a long history of targeted research involving both the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and the development of know-how and innovations for the wine industry. Its central theme is to carry out work that helps to preserve and enhance wine quality. Located in the ISVV, the Oenology research unit is attached to the Life and Health Sciences (SVS) department of the University of Bordeaux, as well as the CEPIA department of INRA and Bordeaux INP.

Since January 2016, the Groupe d'Etude de Substances Végétales à Activité Biologique, located in the ISVV, has joined the research unit. The newly-formed unit brings together more than 80 people (researchers and teacher-researchers, engineers, technicians, PhD and post-doctoral students).

It has been set up as a single team to encourage interaction between disciplines, organising its activities along 3 lines:

Wine Quality and Identity

The aim is to carry out research aimed at characterising, preserving and enhancing the organoleptic component of wine. The identity dimension highlights the importance of making progress in characterising the molecular determinants, aromas, taste components and phenolic compounds associated with the originality and complexity of the organoleptic expression of wine. It also involves studying the physico-chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes (in collaboration with axe
Microorganisms) that contribute to the generation of compounds with an organoleptic impact in the fruit, during vinification or ageing, and to develop innovative processes to preserve these quality components in a context where the wine industry is seeking to limit chemical inputs.

Microorganisms (diversity, metabolisms, selection) axis

The scientific objectives are to decipher the diversity of species of oenological interest, to identify the mechanisms of microbial interactions in order to better understand the evolution of communities, to identify the molecular mechanisms involved in the adaptation of strains to the environment in order to better control alteration strains and select those of interest (interaction with the Wine Quality and Identity theme).

Molecules of Biological Interest (MIB) research group ex EA Gesvab

The aim is to develop research into the characterisation of vine and wine polyphenols, in particular stilbenes, which have biological properties.

A few collaborations

Within the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences
UMR INRAE 1287 EGFV, UMR INRAE 1065 SAVE, UE Viticole Grande Ferrade

On the Bordeaux site
INRIA-LaBRI, Bordeaux University Platforms
ISM Institut des Sciences Moléculaires UMR 5255 CNRS University of Bordeaux

Human and Social Sciences

At national and international level
INRAE Colmar, UMR INRAE SPO (Montpellier), Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (CSGA) University of Burgundy, University of Metz, UMR GMPA AgroParisTech, Institut Geisenheim (Germany), AWRI (Adelaide), Stellenbosch University (South Africa), University of Lincoln (New Zealand), University of Davis (California), University of Tarragona (Spain), Changins School (CH), University of Porto, University of Lisbon, Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB), Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC), Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (Cognac), Institut Français du Vin (Bordeaux and Nantes centres), Institut Français des Productions Cidricoles (Rennes).

Three transfer units, Microflora, Amarante Process and Polyphenols Biotech, are attached to the Oenology Research Unit for its know-how and skills in relation to the demands of the socio-professional world.

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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