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In 2006, the Centre d'Etudes des Mondes Moderne et Contemporain (Centre for Modern and Contemporary World Studies) was created as a research unit (UR 2958) from the Centre Aquitain d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (CAHMC), heir to the Centre Aquitain de Recherche en Histoire Contemporaine (CARHC), which had replaced the Equipe de Recherche en Histoire Politique Contemporaine (ERHPC), and part (the historians) of the Centre d'Études Urbaines de l'Université de Bordeaux III (CESURB).

The scientific project: 3 major themes and one cross-cutting theme.

The detailed scientific project can be found in the "Research areas" section.

- Area 1: "Powers: actors, spaces and representations".

Coordinators: Géraud Poumarède and Christine Bouneau

Divided into 3 sub-areas:

  • Liturgies, circles and territories
  • Powers, generations and genders
  • Transfers, exchanges and international models

- Area 2: "Urban models, models of urbanity".

Coordinators: Caroline Le Mao and Philippe Chassaigne

Divided into 3 sub-areas:

  • Urban models (small towns; birth and death of a town)
  • Models of urbanity (Organising the city; cities and communities, cities and identities; elites and the city, the city of elites; policing the city: control and its limits).
  • Urban models, models of urbanity (cultures and urban sociability: new rules for living together; the city and the environment: a historical and forward-looking approach; imagining and thinking the city).

- Area 3: "Scales, networks, environment" (ERE).

Coordinators: Michel Figeac and Alexandre Fernandez

Divided into 3 sub-areas:

  • Products, territories and consumption patterns
  • Technologies: circulation, transfers and socio-spatial issues
  • Risks: cross-disciplinary approaches

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

  • canalu