Library of the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin
A reference documentary structure in the wine sector
To access documentary collections (digital and printed), use library services and tools, get training from documentation professionals, or simply ask a question to librarians, visit the Université de Bordeaux libraries website.
The library's latest acquisitions
The ISVV library is open to all: free on-site consultation. Registration is required to borrow documents.
- documents on oenology, viticulture, chemistry, microbiology, tasting, wine tourism, law, economics and marketing in the wine industry, business management, history and geography of vines and wine, which can be borrowed and made freely available to the public
- French and foreign scientific, technical and professional journals
- university works (theses, dissertations for the national diploma of oenologist, master's degree, professional licence)
- electronic resources: journals, books and databases that can be consulted online via ENT
TheBabord+ documentary interface allows you to locate these resources and access them physically or remotely.
- an older collection, some of which can be accessed in the "Vine and Wine" collection of BabordNum, the digital heritage library of the documentary network of the universities of Bordeaux.
- Help with documentary research
- Document loans
- Online document reservation
- Training in documentary research
- Interlibrary loans
- Digitisation on request
- Help for researchers to deposit their open-access publications in the Oskar open archive
- Wi-Fi connection
- Multimedia area with 12 workstations
- Multifunction copier: print-scan-copy (black and white)
- A punching machine
Borrowing is cumulative between the libraries of the University of Bordeaux, and also with the other libraries in the Bordeaux university network (University of Bordeaux Montaigne, INP, Bordeaux Science Agro, Science Po. Bordeaux).
For more information, visit the Université de Bordeaux libraries website:
- 54 workplaces
- 45 opening hours per week
- 3,700 self-access books
- 29 subscriptions to specialist journals