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Every year, the ISVVmaturity network publishes the "Lettre du Millésime", which examines the climatic and oenological conditions of Bordeaux wines.

Plot references are commonly used to characterise grape ripening and determine the oenological potential of terroirs. By observing the behaviour of the vines and monitoring ripeness in our reference plots over several decades, we have been able to qualify the vintages and gain new insights into the various mechanisms involved in ripening as a function of the location and condition of the vineyard, climatic conditions and soil characteristics.

Our aim is not to design a chain of tools and methods specifically dedicated to analysing maturity control data in association with other data (geological, topographical, climatological, etc.), but rather to build an information medium enabling rapid analysis of the major trends in the vintage, while at the same time carrying out research and development activities.

Each year, the 14 reference plots are monitored in depth for several weeks: observations of the phenology and behaviour of the plant are carried out from flowering onwards, followed by ripeness checks from veraison onwards, with measurements of potential degree, total acidity, pH, malic acid, anthocyanin potential and total polyphenols, IBMP and pelicular permeability (IPP).

Read all the comments from the "Lettre du Millésime"

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Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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