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An international, multidisciplinary dimension

The ISVV is a key player on the international scene, with a number of innovative initiatives in both education and research:

  • The deployment of large-scale partnerships with academic and industrial players in the world of vines and wine, covering both training and research.
  • The integration of the international dimension into the university curriculum and the development of mobility opportunities for all students and staff
  • The development of European multi-centre vine and wine training and research programmes

The internationalisation of courses and the hosting of international researchers is at the heart of ISVV's international policy.

Strategic international agreements

With more than twenty partnerships for the exchange of students, doctoral students and lecturers, ISVV's main international development priorities are in Europe (Spain, Germany, Portugal and Italy), the major wine-producing countries (USA, Australia, South America and Asia) and the countries around the Mediterranean (Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Georgia and Morocco). ISVV also has historical and strategic partners such as Rovira i Virgili University in Spain, Geisenheim University in Germany, Davis University in California and Adelaide University in Australia.
ISVV hosts the international Oenoviti network, which brings together more than 57 partners from academia and industry, enabling the development of international training and research programmes.

ISVV welcomes several international researchers and doctoral students to its teams each year, and more than 20% of its students are international. ISVV has a strong policy of welcoming students and encouraging mobility.


Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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