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The vine and wine industry (including cognac) is facing major and urgent challenges for its future: adapting to climate change, changing markets, corporate social responsibility, new consumer behaviour, regional and cultural development, etc.

The mission of the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV) is to coordinate and promote training, research, international attractiveness and added value for the entire vine and wine sector of the Bordeaux higher education and research site. Our task is to meet the needs of the wine industry in terms of training, research and technology transfer, while taking into account regulatory, economic, social and health developments.


Today, the ISVV has a New Ambition, which is reflected in a project to extend its premises. In addition to the firm support of our partners, our development must also be underpinned by the industry's willingness to help us, which is the guarantee of a response to the industry's needs.

It is with this in mind, and for the benefit of all these players, that the "ISVV Fund - an international ambition at the service of the industry" was created in 2020.


The ISVV Fund has 4 main focuses:

  • Vineyard development, environmental issues and maintaining wine quality
  • Societal issues
  • New orientations for programmes and à la carte professional training courses
  • Industry players, the general public, local and regional authorities

These areas are broken down into specific actions to be supported over a 5-year period. These actions concern both ongoing projects and emerging initiatives.

ISVV, in collaboration with the Fondation Bordeaux Université, is therefore calling on sponsors to support this project. In addition, as part of a recognition programme, we are putting in place specific actions to thank you for your support.


The ISVV Fund already benefits from the support of the following partners:

  •  Chateau Lafite Rotschild
  •  Groupe Laffort
  •  Moet Hennessy

Lafite Hennesy 

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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