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Backed by Bordeaux Sciences Agro, VITINNOV offers winegrowing companies applied research into integrated production, as well as auditing and training services.

Sectors of activity
Sample applications

VITINNOV's activities cover a range of research and development, technical services and training activities linked to innovations in sustainable viticulture.

Working with the research teams at Bordeaux Sciences Agro, VITINNOV sets up research facilities and develops services in its various areas of expertise:

  • integrated protection (testing of monitoring or protection methods, diagnostic services, steering and implementation of collective phytosanitary management systems),
  • agro-ecology (assessing the impact of wine-growing practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services, landscape audits),
  • production systems and management of plants in their environment (ecophysiology, climate, pedology, etc.),
  • precision viticulture (agronomic validation of innovative solutions).

VITINNOV's expertise enables it to design rigorous protocols tailored to the specific features of each theme or farm. Close collaboration with scientific partners (Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ISVV, etc.) and technical partners (IFV, Chambers of Agriculture, inter-professional organisations, etc.) means that VITINNOV's know-how is enriched by the latest advances for the benefit of its customers. Thanks to its position at the interface between companies and researchers, VITINNOV is also a key contact for passing on questions from professionals to research.

In order to make knowledge and innovations accessible to professionals in the wine sector, VITINNOV also organises training courses open to all or specifically designed to meet the needs of a particular company. These courses are organised in partnership with an approved training organisation and can therefore be financed by training funds (FAFSEA, VIVEA, etc.).

  • Integrated vineyard protection
  • Vineyard management
  • Agro-ecology (biodiversity, landscape)
  • Precision viticulture

  • Participation in collaborative research projects: Life+ BioDiVine, FranceAgriMer 'Court-noué' and 'Flavescence Dorée', Vitidrone, Biodiversa PromESSinG, Core Organic + ReSolVe, CASDAR 'Muscari' and 'Vitiforest', etc.
  • Experimentation with vineyard protection solutions (alternative methods or products, pesticides)
  • Landscape diagnostics, biodiversity and landscape management plans
  • Mapping of short-nuke viruses, detection of nematode vectors
  • Support and/or management of collective initiatives (e.g. combating Flavescence Dorée, landscape projects, business consortia, etc.)
  • Traps for insect pests
  • Organisation of technical days (plant cover, precision viticulture sensors, etc.)

Learn more

Web site :

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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