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Improve and enhance the pruning and de-stemming skills of winegrowers to reduce vine decline.
Understand and practice pruning that respects sap flow to maintain vineyard quality and reduce the impact of wood diseases. Know how to manage a team of pruners.

Training courses run in partnership with


Teaching team

University lecturers, INRAE researchers and industry professionals (Simonit&Sirch Maîtres Tailleurs de vigne).
Lecturers are specialists in their field of research and/or intervention.


Axis 1 :

Diagnose the physiological and sanitary functioning of a vineyard plot, in order to implement technical itineraries adapted to the plot's pedo-climatic context (pruning/trimming).

Axis 2 :

Set up a pruning operation by choosing the most appropriate pruning method for the vineyard and the vine's characteristics.

Axis 3: 

Prune and maintain a vineyard plot in compliance with pruning rules, regulations and safety regulations.

Conditions of access 

Open to anyone over the age of 18

Application timetable for 2024/2025

  • Server opens and applications can be downloaded: 2 May to 10 June 2024
  • Deadline for receipt of applications: 13 June 2024
  • File selection committee: from 17 to 21 June 2024
  • Final admission decision: 28 June 2024

Application timetable for session 2

  • Server open and applications uploaded: from September 1, 2024 to October 10, 2024
  • Deadline for receipt of applications: 13 October 2024
  • File selection committee: 14 to 18 October 2024
  • Final admission decision: 21 October 2024

Documents to be prepared

In addition to the application form you have downloaded and completed, you will need to provide :

  • Highest level diploma and corresponding transcript
  • A one-page curriculum vitae
  • Proof of French language proficiency, DALF, DELF, TCF (for foreign students only)

Applications are made online via the Université de Bordeaux website, using the eCandidat application.

 Apply now

Selection is based on the candidate's professional or personal objectives and skills acquisition needs.

Organization of teaching

4 weeks of training, including 1 week of e-learning self-study and 3 weeks of classroom training

(1 week in November, 1 week in January and 1 week in May). 1/3 theory and 2/3 practical work carried out in the Bordeaux vineyards.


Follow the training in skill modules

It is possible to follow the course in 3 separate blocks of skills:

Module 1 - Elementary level :
Why prune vines (Principles and methods)

Module 2 - Intermediate level :
How to prune the vine (Practical application)

Module 3 - Mastery level :
Vineyard management (Organizing work sites and supervising troops)

Cost of the training

ISVV's continuing education department will help you deal with funding bodies.

Depending on your status, you may be eligible for funding from :

  • OPCA : Fafsea, Vivea, Opcalim
  • Contractual employment measures
  • Individual financing

  • Continuing education is aimed at employees, the self-employed, jobseekers and, more generally, anyone wishing to receive training, improve their skills or validate their professional experience.
  • Depending on your status, there are a number of schemes that may enable you to benefit from financial aid
  • The ISVV Continuing Education Department will guide you in your dealings with funding bodies and remains at your disposal for further information.

Find out more :

link Download the rates for 2024/2025

link Financing arrangements

Contact form

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They put their trust in us...

Dominique Roujou de Boubée

Dominique Roujou de Boubée
Director of "Terroir en Botella", Vigo Region, Spain
Has taken the D.U.T.E
Faced with the worrying progression of esca in many vineyards, the increase in vine degeneration and my desire to improve and be able to pass on the right techniques to my customers, I decided to enroll in the D.U.T.E. course as soon as I heard about it. Combining the theoretical knowledge of ISVV and INRA researchers with the practical experience of Simonit&Sirch's master cutters proved to be an extremely valuable learning experience. Now, I don't look at a vine the way I used to, and I don't think about pruning in the same way.


Head of education

Laurence Geny-Denis


Laurence Geny-Denis

Phone: +33 (0)
Contact by email




Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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